

Khiasma is supported by:

La Région Île-de-France
Le Département de la
La DRAC Île-de-France
La Ville des Lilas
La Ville de Paris
La Mairie du 20è
Paris Habitat
La Fondation de France

Khiasma est membre du réseau TRAM et partenaire de Paris-Art.

In 2017, Khiasma set up its new program : Plateforme. Based on the development of a community at work, Plateforme transforms Espace Khiasma into a space of research and experimentation for encounters of various formats. Artists, students, residents, curators, researchers, associative actors, collectives will gradually occupy the same place and share the antennas of the web radio R22 Tout-Monde that will weave the multiple voices of this adventure.