Articles liés
Charlotte Imbault
Geneviève Cohen-Cheminet
Fiona McMahon
David Haddad
Nathalie Quintane
Violaine Lochu
Till Roeskens
Hélène Coeur
Souleymane Mbodj
Yves Robert
Guillaume Désange
Belleville en vu(e)s
Luce Goutelle
Vanessa Place
Maïder Fortuné
Jean-Paul Curnier
Céline Ahond
Matthieu Dibelius
Nicolas Richard
Alexis Fichet
Emmanuel Adely
Frank Smith
Marc Perrin
Currently resident
Curnier (Jean-paul)
Smith (Frank)
23 free entry events in 15 days, exploring the diversity of documentary practices in contemporary art and current literature, where the documents functions as a direct take on the real, a sample specimen. Where the body of the author/performer participates in editing, articulates and combines, forms a state of the world and of the social body…
…performances in close connection with current events…
– economical (Alexis Fichet & Nicolas Richard on the subprime crisis and the crisis in Greece;
– political (Jean-Paul Curnier and Nathalie Quintane reconsidering the riots of 2005, Céline Ahond on the condition of foreigners in ‘irregular situations’);
– international (the Syrian conflict viewed by Frank Smith, the war in Afghanistan by Emmanuel Adely, Marc Perrin transforming AFP dispatches into a series of portraits)…
…testing the tensions between fiction and truth by playing with the logic of narrative…
…exploring different regimens of discourse: that of judicial proof (Vanessa Place), psychoanalytical analysis (Guillaume Désanges), psychiatric diagnosis (Matthieu Dibellius), reported discourse (Luce Goutelle & Charlotte Imbault) or translated (Violaine Lochu)…
…and using different narrative forms and procedures:
cinema and video art (Maïder Fortuné) ; storytelling and slide show (Till Roeskens) ; the philosophical concert (Jean-Paul Curnier, Yves Robert & FANTAZIO) !
RELECTURES 15, is (also)
…a program for young audiences…
with a “conference for adults from the age of ten and up” by Jean-Paul Curnier ; the stories from near and far of Souleymane Mbodj ; a cycle of short film projections (fictions, documentaries and animated cinema) on the theme of childhood objects, in association with Belleville en Vue(s)…
…2 round tables…
– Poétiques du témoignage (Poetics of testimony) with Frank Smith, Fiona McMahon & Geneviève Cohen-Cheminet ;
– Documenter la performance / Performer le document with Guillaume Désanges et Olivier Marboeuf…
…and an editors’ salon
Salon de (re)lectures with the publishers : Les petits matins, Al Dante, Ère, Les inaperçus, Lignes, La Fabrique, Argol, Plaine Page, L’attente, Questions Théoriques, Le Bleu du ciel, Les Prairies ordinaires, Inculte, Amsterdam, Verticales, Argol, Autrement, Galilée, Seuil, La Différence, Bazar, Hapax, Nous, Le Mot et le Reste… — et les revues : Vacarme, Nioques, Multitudes, Le chant du monstre, Théâtre public, Cassandre, Dissonances, Lignes, Le Passant Ordinaire, Ce qui Secret, Armée Noire, La Femelle du Requin, Numéro Zéro, Boxon, Contre-Allée, Frictions…
Download the complete program of RELECTURES 15 in PDF
A manifestation produced by Khiasma
Programming: Olivier Marboeuf and Sébastien Zaegel
Coordination: Sébastien Zaegel/ / 09 80 36 02 03
Reservation advised : / 01 43 60 69 72
Contact presse : Amandine André /