

Khiasma is supported by:

La Région Île-de-France
Le Département de la
La DRAC Île-de-France
La Ville des Lilas
La Ville de Paris
La Mairie du 20è
Paris Habitat
La Fondation de France

Khiasma est membre du réseau TRAM et partenaire de Paris-Art.

In the wings before the season launch at the Espace Khiasma of “Une ouverture des possibles” (“An opening of possibilities”), Sébastien Zaegel answered the questions of Damien Marguet, from the association A bras le corps,* concerning RELECTURES 15 ‘d’après document’, the festival of living literature that runs from September 22 to October 5 at the Espace Khiasma and in several partner sites.

*A bras le corps is an association dedicated to the promotion of contemporary creation via the web, artistic events and paper editions. It reunites film-makers, philosophers and performers around a simple idea: exposing, reflecting on and defending singular research and practices, rarely publicized, in the domains of dance, image in movement, theater, visual and performing arts.

Its Internet site, open since October 2013, offers, by way of texts and audiovisual documents, a look at recent works from diverse fields and incites thought about their relations. The association also has the vocation of organizing on a regular basis events that mix genres and practices with the objective of presenting the work of one or several artists, and to prolong its editorial work in print form.